The conversation around “REAL vs FAKE products” has raised a lot of dust among many Nigerians lately. Many people are bedazzled at the revelation that some people have gained access to the manufacturing industry, producing counterfeit replica of existing products all to maximise profits.
According to Redpoints, amongst the many counterfeit items in the market today is alcohol. To them, alcohol counterfeiting is becoming increasingly pervasive. This is fueled by the desire of many manufacturers to make profits whether by hook or by crook.
Also, statistics have revealed that approximately a third of all alcohol production worldwide is illicit. As scary as this may sound, FAKE products can be identified. For Jack Daniels for example, there is usually no manufacturing date, batch number, manufacturer’s name or address on the bottle.
These pieces of information should always be checked to avoid any health complications that may be derived from the intake of informally produced spirits.
As such for us from, we are committed to providing nothing but quality drinks to our customers. We are tested and trusted!
How else can we identify FAKE products/drinks?
Let’s hear your thoughts in the comments section.
Source: Public Health
Keywords: FAKE products, Real products, Jack Daniels, Real or Fake, Drinks, Public Health