Capturing unexpressed emotions when Gifting

There is value in a handwritten thank-you note when gifting, most especially when gifting someone so dear to you, someone that has contributed to your growth, or when trying to be romantic with a partner. You may be thinking “well times have changed” and we have so many social media platforms literally at our fingertips just about 24/7. It’s so easy to call, email or send a text with an emoji expressing thanks.
However, technology is really no excuse for not handwriting (yes on paper!) a note to express your gratitude. A thank-you note may seem old-fashioned, but it carries a big message of admiration and appreciation more than any text ever has when sending gifts. There is something so vintage, and especially heartfelt about writing it down by hand for both the writer and the recipient. Receiving a tangible piece of note alongside a gift to a recipient saying, “I am thinking about you”, “I am thankful for you”, is a big proof that authenticates your actual emotions when the recipient takes a gaze at your gift. It’s nice and thoughtful to give gifts, but it’s nicer and more thoughtful when the gift is accompanied by a note indicating your true intentions which is part of what makes the whole process feel so special and celebratory in the first place.
According to psychology, a gift accompanied with a Thank-you note can elevate our relationships, strengthen new or existing friendships, turning an acquaintance into a close friend. Putting pen to paper can even benefit your self-esteem, as well as your physical, intellectual and psychological state. A thank-you note should capture that smile, handshake or hug you would give the recipient in person and pen it in a form that can be read over and over again, by employing your literature skills into action. For some reason, most of us have our reserves when it comes to sending out those heartfelt missives through gift with a thank-you note, but perhaps we need to adjust our mindset because penning a thank-you note is not just great for lifting someone’s spirits, they are also great for lifting our own.
At Drinksdirect.NG we understand the art and benefits of a Thank-you note accompanying a gift, for this reason, we’ve been giving our customers an avenue to express their emotions to their loved ones when they make a purchase of any drink of their choice with Drinksdirect Thank-you note, and have it delivered to their doorstep. For more information on Drinksdirect Thank-you notes and Gifting send us a message and we’ll be glad to respond.
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Source; howlifeunfold