4 Cocktail Syrups You Should Be Familiar With If You Want To Make Awesome Drinks


When it comes to making cocktails you need three content, The Base (Juice or soda), The Liquor and the Syrup. Everything else is extra and without these three solid pillars, your cocktail is incomplete.

While making cocktails isn’t rocket science it’s no easy feat either as you can learn it on your own and master it in a matter of months.

If you’re open to experimenting with cocktails and you already have your liquor and base ready, then you need these 4 cocktail syrups

1. BARDINET (GRENADINE): You know those three coloured cocktails that look like sunsets in a cup, the secret to the look and colour of these cocktails are in the syrup and the popular syrup of choice is usually the Grenadine syrup. It gives your cocktail that extra sweetness and it also brightens it up with the red colour. If you have a glass of orange juice, lemon vodka and a tablespoon of this syrup you’re good to go.

2. BARDINET (MINT): The second most popular cocktail syrup of choice for most bartenders. A lot of sour cocktails have this flavour as it balances their taste and gives them a fresh mouthfeel. To enjoy this syrup, mix it with a lemon soda and gin and you’re good to go.

3. CURACAO BLEU BARDINET: With its bright blue colour and rich orange flavour, Blue Curacao is an authentic French Liqueur syrup which can be used a great substitute to triple sec or orange liqueurs in all other Cocktails. This syrup goes well with fruity cocktails and the liquor of choice should be Gin.

4. 1883 SYRUP: This syrup comes in a plethora of flavours and will give you more flexibility to experiment on your cocktails and even mocktails. Their ranges of syrup will elevate any drink you add it to and would leave your guest asking what sweet flavour is in the drink

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